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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Benefits of eating Pineapple

Do you like Pineapple .....

*Wish to know more about this remarkable local fruit? Read on. This article was sent to me by a retired chemistry professor from NUS* (National University of SIngapore)

Fresh Pineapple Has Many Benefits....

The pineapple is a member of the bromeliad family. It is extremely rare that bromeliads produce edible fruit. The pineapple is the only available edible bromeliad today. It is a multiple fruit. One pineapple is actually made up of dozens of individual flowerettes that grow together to form the entire fruit.

Each scale on a pineapple is evidence of a separate flower. Pineapples stop ripening the minute they are picked. No special way of storing them will help ripen them further. Color is relatively unimportant in determining ripeness.

Choose your pineapple by smell. If it smells fresh, tropical and sweet, it will be a good fruit. The more scales on the pineapple, the sweeter and juicier the taste.

After you cut off the top, you can plant it. It should grow much like a sweet potato will. This delicious fruit is not only sweet and tropical, it also offers many benefits to our health.

Pineapple is a remarkable fruit. We find it enjoyable because of its lush, sweet and exotic flavor, but it may also be one of the most healthful foods available today. If we take a more detailed look at it, we will find that pineapple is valuable for easing indigestion, arthritis or sinusitis.

The juice has an anthelmintic effect; it helps get rid of intestinal worms.

Let's look at how pineapple affects other conditions. Pineapple is high in manganese, a mineral that is critical to development of strong bones and connective tissue. A cup of fresh pineapple will give you nearly 75% of the recommended daily amount. It is particularly helpful to older adults, whose bones tend to become brittle with age.

Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme, is the key to pineapple's value.

Proteolytic means "breaks down protein", which is why pineapple is known to be a digestive aid. It helps the body digest proteins more efficiently.

Bromelain is also considered an effective anti-inflammatory. Regular ingestion of at least one half cup of fresh pineapple daily is purported to relieve painful joints common to osteoarthritis. It produces mild pain relief. In Germany, bromelain is approved as a post-injury medication because it is thought to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Orange juice is a popular liquid for those suffering from a cold because it is high in Vitamin C. Fresh pineapple is not only high in this vitamin, but because of the bromelain, it has the ability to reduce mucous in the throat.

If you have a cold with a productive cough, add pineapple to your diet. It is commonly used in Europe as a post-operative measure to cut mucous after certain sinus and throat operations. Those individuals who eat fresh pineapple daily report fewer sinus problems related to allergies. In and of itself, pineapple has a very low risk for allergies.

Pineapple is also known to discourage blood clot development. This makes it a valuable dietary addition for frequent fliers and others who may be at risk for blood clots.

An old folk remedy for morning sickness is fresh pineapple juice. It really works! Fresh juice and some nuts first thing in the morning often makes a difference. It's also good for a healthier mouth. The fresh juice discourages plaque growth.

(We received this article via an e-mail.)


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10:40 AM GMT+8

Blogger anosh said...

شركة تركيب أثاث بالرياض...شركة صقر المملكة افضل شركة تركيب باركيه بالرياض متخصصة في نقل الاثاث وفكه وتركيبة من مكان لاخر وايضا تغليفه وتوصيلة في امان تام وذلك مع شركة صقر المملكة افضل شركة تركيب اثاث ايكيا بالرياض
شركة صقر المملكة...
شركة تركيب غرف نوم بالرياض تتولي شركتنا عملية انتقال أثاثك إلى منزلك الجديد في امان تام دون معانة أو إرهاق لك ولأسرتك كما انها تحافظ علي كل قطعة اثاث تنقلها لضمان وصولها في امان تام ، في اقل فترة ممكنة لنقل أثاثك بداية من الفك والتنظيف والتغليف الجيد علاوة على الأسعار التنافسية ارخص شركة تركيب غرف صيني بالرياض المخفضة للغاية.
أولا: ما تقوم بة شركة صقر المملكة هو التقدير والمعاينة الدقيقة لمكان ال>ي يتم نقل الاثاث منة (المنزل القديم) واايضا المكان المنقول الية (المنزل الجديد) وذلك بمعرفة فني تركيب غرف نوم صيني الذي يصل إلى المنزل بمجرد اتصال من عميلنا وسرعة استجابة شركتنا وهذا لعدة اغراض:
ويترتب على كل هذا ما يلي:
1ـ تحدد شركة صقر المملكة من خلال ارخص شركة تركيب باركية بالرياض حجم ونوع السيارات التي تحتاجها الاثاث لنقلة في سهولة تامة خاصة إذا كانت الشوارع المحيطة بالمنزل ضيقة.
عامل تركيب اثاث ايكيا بارياض3ـ تقديم تقرير بعدد العمال المطلوب لنقل الأثاث في يسر تام .
4ـ ايضا تحدد شركة تركيب غرف نوم صيني بالرياض التخصصات الفنية المطلوبة للقيام بفك وتركيب الأثاث والأجهزة المتعددة والمختلفة .كما تحرص شركة تركيب ستائر بالرياض على توفير خدمة تركيب الستائر وفكها من منزلك القديم وتركيبها بمنزلك الجديد علي ايدي فني تركيب ستائر بالرياض كل هذا واكثر لدي صقر المملكة افضل شركة فك وتركيب الاثاث بالمملكة العربية السعودية
المصدر :

10:15 AM GMT+8


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