Friday, October 08, 2010
关于我们 About Us
We practice twice weekly on every Monday and Thursday from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm at our station located at SRJK (C) Taman Desa Jaya, Jalan 31, Taman Desa Jaya, 52100 Kuala Lumpur. You are welcome to join us in our practice.
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第一,要有信心。首先要相信自己,另外相信功法。因为,气功是探索人体奥秘、生命信息的一门科学;气功锻炼是一种特殊的锻炼方法,它的独特作用是调动人体潜能进行自我调整, 自我修复的。用气功锻炼来治疗一些慢性病和疑难症,要相信自己经过刻苦练功,一定能治好病,能增强体质。
第二,要有决心。就是不怕苦,不怕累,遇到困难要坚定信心,下定决心,克服一切困难,决心练出成果来。要克服时间少、工作忙、家务多的困难。特别遇到气冲病灶,病情反复时, 更要坚定信心,下决心继续练功。
第三,要有恒心。练功要持之以恒,贵在坚持,不要三天打鱼两天晒网,更不能随便中断,或稍一见好就收兵不练,须知中断练功,会使前功尽弃,把已经启动的真气在正常的运转中停止, 可能使经络重新堵塞不通,病情就可能有反复。要相信“功夫不负有心人”,“功到自然成”,坚持数年,水到渠成,必有成效;急于求成,就会“欲速则不达”。“一劳永逸”是不会有的。
The practice of Qigong is for the strengthening of our body and curing of diseases. To make it effective, we will have to satisfy the following 3 requirements:
(1) We must have trust. Firstly, we must have trust in ourselves and secondly, we must have trust in Qigong. Qigong is a science that explores the secrets of our human body and life messages. Its special effects exploit our body’s potential and bring about self curative measures. We will have to trust ourselves in the use of Qigong practice for the curing of chronic diseases. Believe that through persistent and consistent Qigong practice, these diseases will certainly be cured together with the improvement in the quality of our physical body.
(2) We must have determination. We must not be afraid of hardship and tiredness. In times of difficulties, we have to stay firm in our determination to overcome all difficulties. We must be determined to bring positive results to our Qigong practice. Overcome the little time we may have owing to our busy work schedules and household chores. Especially when we encounter recurrence of the diseases we used to have due to the flow of Qi in our Qigong practice, we must stay firm and continue the practice without interruptions.
(3) We must be persistent. Qigong practice needs persistency and perseverance in order to achieve good results. Do not simply interrupt the Qigong practice or stop practicing when we feel better. This brings about the wastage of our previous efforts as when the genuine Qi in your body is stopped when it is about to work. This may also cause blockages in the meridians and channels. As a result, the diseases recur. Believe that Qigong will never let you down and success will eventually arrive. Be persistent in our practice for several years and good results will be achieved. Do not be in a hurry to achieve success as the negative may result. There is no such thing as "once and for all".

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