This blog was created and for use by the Kepong CSCQ Practitioners as a virtual community centre. Comments concerning the Kepong Station can be posted here. Notices of whatever nature concerning Kepong Station will also be posted here as well. Your participation and feedback are welcome. Let us together strive for improvements of health both physically and mentally.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Some Photos of the Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration on 1-10-2006 (Part 4 - Also Catherin's Birthday)

It was so happened that the very day was also Catherine Wong's birthday. Thus, a birthday celebration was in place.

The charming birthday cake made by Catherine Wong herself.

Singing of the Happy Birthday Song.

Cake cutting - make a wish first.


Calvin How, Simon Pong, Steven How, SK Chan & AL Leong.

They were being served with the birthday cake.

Cindy Yew, KG Lim, TC Chang & others

HK Koay was in the middle.

As usual, a downloadable file is herewith shown. File size = 607 kb.
Summer Health Care.pps


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