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Friday, September 24, 2010

A fast non-drug remedy for flu

This is really fascinating. Coffee as a fast non-drug remedy for flu? You bet!There is no a homily that coffee can indeed cure flu. This is what they have to advise.

Just before the onset of flu, while experiencing pre-flu symptoms like headache,running nose & sneezing, immediately drink 2 to 3 cups of hot water. Then, wait for 3 to 5 minutes. After this, then drink a cup of nice,hot coffee. You may want to want to urinate in 2 to 3 minutes. It's normal. Then walla! Surprisingly all flu symptoms will disappear after that.

We all know coffee is a diuretic. It removes water from the body, and in the process, flushes out all the virus trapped inside the body. So, what have you to lose? Try if when you sense a flu coming.

下次感冒初期,不妨試試! 無害。



趕緊先喝兩、三杯熱開水(不可以喝冰的 ) 。等三、五分鐘,再沖一杯咖啡,一定要熱的喝才有效( 不可冰)。二、三十分鐘以後,咖啡和先前喝的開水會讓你要尿尿。而且,很神奇的,流鼻水、打噴嚏、頭痛都慢慢不見了!





(Source: e-mail & internet.)


Blogger 爱华 said...



12:36 PM GMT+8


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