This blog was created and for use by the Kepong CSCQ Practitioners as a virtual community centre. Comments concerning the Kepong Station can be posted here. Notices of whatever nature concerning Kepong Station will also be posted here as well. Your participation and feedback are welcome. Let us together strive for improvements of health both physically and mentally.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011














聰明的人喜歡猜心 雖然每次都猜對了卻失去了自己的心
傻氣的人喜歡給心 雖然每次都被笑了卻得到了別人的心

魚說:你看不見我的淚水 因為我在水中....
水說:我能感覺到妳的淚 只因妳在我的心中...

Source: e-mail from CK Yap

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

为什么有的人练功后出现头部不适? (赵金香宗师)


(1) 练功时,意念运用得不准确。如引阳气上冲过多,就会头沉。如属于这种情况,做三至五次双回气,将阳气导引至下丹田,不适感就会消失。

(2) 有的人原来就有扁头痛,三叉神经痛等病,练功时气冲病灶,也会引起头痛,头沉或头紧等类似发病现象。这是病情好转的反应,一般一至两周即可消失。如果长期不愈,可能有其他原因,如七情六淫的干扰等,应到医院检查,采取相应的措施,及时处理。

(3) 练功通小周天时,真气运行到颈部,在玉枕关打通之前,会感到有一条带子箍在头的上部,头顶发麻,发痒,发胀,如蚁爬。这是练功的必经过程,不属病态,更不是出偏。玉枕关通开,这种现象就会自然消失。练功到了这个阶段,应当用意念将任脉之气引入下丹田,再将丹田气用意念引到会阴穴处,沿督脉上升,经命门,大椎,天目,鼻椎,舌(舌抵上腭)引入任脉,小周天就会迅速打通,不适感也会很快消失。但不到这个阶段,切不可追求,以水到渠成为妙。

Saturday, May 14, 2011


This MIRACLE DRINK has been circulating for a quite long time ago. It is worth your while to take note. There is a celebrity Mr. Seto who swears by it. He wants to make it public to draw the attention of people who have cancers. This is a drink that can protect bad cells forming in your body or it will restrain its growth! Mr. Seto had lung cancer. He was recommended to take this drink by a famous Herbalist from China . He has taken this drink diligently for 3 months and now his health is restored and he is ready to take a pleasure trip. Thanks to this drink! It does not hurt you to have a try.

It is like a Miracle Drink! It is simple.

You need one potato, one carrot and one apple that combine together to make the JUICE!

Wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and immediately you drink the juice. You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.

This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:

1. Prevent cancer cells to develop. It will restrain cancer cells to grow.
2. Prevent liver, kidney, pancreas decease and it can cure ulcer as well.
3. Strengthen the lung; prevent heart attack and high blood pressure.
4. Strengthen the immune system
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes
6. Help to eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminates constipation. Therefore it will
make skin healthy & LOOK more radiant. It is God sent for acne problem.
8. Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,
9. Lessen menstrual pain
10. Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.

There is absolutely no side effect. Highly nutritious and easily absorbs! Very effective if you need to loose weight. You will notice your immune system will be improved after 2 week routine. Please make sure to drink immediately from the juicer for best effect.


Drink it first thing in the morning with an empty stomach. After 1 hour, you can eat breakfast. For fast results, drink 2 times a day, in the morning & before 5pm. You will not regret. It does not cost you much.


Sunday, May 08, 2011

生命真的可以善終嗎 [轉載]

生命的善終 _ 天下雜誌 (林倖妃)




因為心臟不好可以裝循環輔助器,肺臟不好可以裝呼吸器,肝臟不好可以血漿置換,或是輸入冷凍性新鮮血漿,骨髓不好輸血,� K疫不好打抗生素,即使是垂死的病人也可以撐很久,「死不了」。問題是,「死亡是什麼?怎樣才算活著」?連醫生都無法回答這個問題。

一個八十二歲的老公公罹患心臟病,花一百六十萬元裝置人工心臟,但因機器太大台,他到哪裡都必須拖著救命的「心臟」,問醫生有沒有解決的辦法� H醫生告訴他要再花三百五十萬元換台體積較小的機器。老先生不願意,最後因為要拖著龐然大物才能行動,得了重度憂鬱症躺在床上,七個月後中風死了。這是病人的選擇。


在人稱「 葉 醫師」的葉克膜出現後,讓醫師陷入更沉重的生死抉擇。隨著醫學科技的發展,即使沒有心臟,裝上葉克膜也可以暫時維持生命,台大醫院最高存活紀錄是一一七天。只不過,並不是人人都可以走出醫院,更多的是在「 葉 醫師」加持下,看著自己的腳從下面一直黑上來,清醒地看著自己慢慢死掉。

一位知名企業 家的 太太就裝著葉克膜直到全身變黑,過世前嚴重浮腫變形,「高科技反而讓人不得好死,」柯文哲感嘆說。住在加護病房的病人在過世前平均多 三公斤 ,因為不斷用各種儀器和藥物,導致身體浮腫,只為維持一口氣在。




高雄醫學大學醫! 學系主任、同時也是神經外科主治醫師林志隆感慨地說,他的老師五十多歲時因為心臟癌症開刀後,同樣身為醫 師的 老師自知存活機會不大,強烈表達意願,萬一時,要放棄急救,保持最後的尊嚴離開。但事情發生時師公(老 師的 老師)堅持插管,強行救回老師,「我怎麼可能讓我的學生走?」師公的話語中滿是悲哀,一輩子當醫生的他,不願意面對學生的死亡。







現在,體力增加了,走 20公里路,已是家常便飯,甚至還有過一天走 40公里的紀錄。


兩年前,我改變了工作環境,每天早上先去爬山,在山上吸它兩個鐘頭的芬多精,回家洗個澡才去上班,現在看到我的人,都說我比以前健康,我則會加上一句:「天天爬山,明年會更好 。」



表示,我們自己把體內環境弄到缺氧,細胞才無可奈何變成癌細胞來適應環境,如果把環境裡的缺氧因素刪掉,補充氧份,其實癌細胞是! 會回歸正常的。


現在, 每當我透過顯微鏡看到病人或友人的細胞顯出缺氧的狀況時,我都會提醒對方:「你的細胞缺氧,看起來很累,趕快去爬山。」


學習笑 ---是一項很特別的功課。

因為我知道,笑的時候,尤其是大笑的時候,身體內的細胞是放鬆的。細胞只有在完全放! 鬆的時候,才能圓圓潤潤,充滿活力,足以應付外侮。

別人在挑釁,馬上逃到看不到挑釁的地方,再慢慢調整自己的情緒;然後,我漸漸不需要逃離現場也能壓住脾氣,可是還需要在心裡說:「你好可憐。」 來平衡自己的情緒;現在,我什麼都看到,卻可以一直保持笑容。



如果凡事從正面思考,事事會變得非常美好;反之,凡事都從負面思考,事事都變得相! 當糟糕。











運動的好處是使身體的循環順暢,促使身體代謝加快,把養分及氧氣 帶到該去的地方,對生病的細胞,尤為重要。


! 要知道,自己身體裡的細胞,到底是聽自己的,還是聽別人的呢?

Thursday, May 05, 2011

练功中为何有时会胸部憋闷?应如何处理? (赵金香宗师)


(1) 练功中由于气冲病灶而感到胸闷、胸憋。胸部(包括该部脏器)原来有病,或受过伤,其所属经络不通,练功时真气被调动起来,冲击病灶,就会产生类似原来症状的反应。有这种反应是好事,说明真气调动起来了,不通的经络将被疏通。过了这一关,反应就会消失。

(2) 练功时精神紧张,形体没有放松,动作或意念不正确而造成胸部不适。正确的姿势可以疏通经络,错误的姿势可能使真气受阻;正确的意念可以治疗疾病,错误的意念可能使人得病。所以,练功时要正确运用意念,一定要严格按照功法?功理的要求去做,并充分做好练功前的准备。只有在具备练功条件的情况下练功,精神才能放松。只有松心(精神放松),才能松身,才能做到松静自

(3) 练功者平时心胸狭窄,性情急躁,遇事爱生气,练功过程中又受七情干扰,使体内气机紊乱,造成胸部憋闷。为了避免这种情况的发生,必须加强道德涵养,做到处事客观,以乐排忧,保持性情温和、情绪安定。如果已经因受七情干扰造成胸部憋闷,则应用“疏肝法”排掉肝气。
(4) 滥用调息法造成胸部憋闷。本功法自始至终强调自然呼吸。有人滥用其它功法的调息法,呼吸不自然,形体不放松,将气滞在胸中,就会产生胸憋、胸闷。按照本功法的调息方法,随着练功的深化,会自然出现站桩功部分所介绍过的九种呼吸方式。滥用调息法会带来不良后果,随意改动本功法就会出偏。对由于调息不当产生的胸部不适,可采用“点穴降浊法”加以解决。连续重复数次,直至头不晕,胸不闷,感到舒适即可收功。如当时不能生效,可次日再练。此法不可多做,在胸闷症状消失后即应停止,以免伤正气。

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

What’s So Special About Carrot Juice?

by Rev. George Malkmus

Thirty-five years ago, when I was told I had colon cancer, Evangelist Lester Roloff encouraged me to eliminate all animal foods (both flesh and dairy) from my diet, along with refined sugar and refined grains. He went on to encourage me to consume lots of carrot juice if I wanted to restore my health. Not understanding all the reasons why, I took his advice.

Within days of making these dietary changes my rectal bleeding had stopped. Within less than a year the tumor in my colon had disappeared – all without any help from a doctor or the use of any chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.

After this experience I rationalized that if carrot juice could help my body recover from colon cancer, it might be good to continue consuming it order to help me remain well. And I have done just that.

Today, 35 years after eliminating some health-destroying things and adding carrot juice to my diet, I find myself just three years short of my 80th birthday still alive and well with an extremely youthful body.

Now I’m not saying that it was the carrot juice all by itself that has allowed me to enjoy such excellent health, but I do believe with all my heart it has been a huge factor.

What’s In Carrot Juice That Makes It So Special

Carrot juice not only tastes good (if the carrots are grown in California – more on that later), it has a vast array of nutrients and health benefits. It’s also easily absorbed and highly cleansing.

Carrots contain approximately 16% sugar. Some think this is negative because it results in a glycemic index of 80. However, research here at Hallelujah Acres reveals that it has less spiking affect on the blood than a baked potato or two slices of whole wheat toast.

Carrots are one of the most healing foods, providing the finest and highest quality nutrients, especially in juice form. Carrots are an excellent source of pro-vitamin A in the form of carotene, along with vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6.

Carrots are rich in biotin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, organic sodium, plus lots of trace minerals. Carrots are also high in anti-oxidants and are loaded with enzymes.

Phytonutrients are nature’s marvelous provision in healing various diseases. Carrots are also rich in phytonutrients, including lutein, lycopene, antioxidants, alpha, beta, and gamma carotenes, zeaxanthin, and xanthophylls.

Carrots Effect on Common Health Problems

The alkalizing elements in carrot juice help balance the blood’s acidity
as well as blood sugar levels.

The Standard American Diet consists of highly acidic animal protein, refined sugar and grains. Conversely, The Hallelujah Diet contains lots of alkalizing plant sourced foods (carrot juice being one of the most alkalizing). When people stop consuming the Standard American Diet and start consuming The Hallelujah Diet, they are usually able to stop taking their over-the-counter and doctor prescribed antacids in a short period of time.

The molecules in carrots are very similar to the molecules in human hemoglobin, making it a tremendous blood builder.

This miraculous cleansing power of juices helps scrub away built-up fat deposits on arterial walls, reducing risk of heart attack and stroke, while often eliminating need for medications due to high blood pressure.

The daily consumption of fresh carrot juice not only reduces cancer risk
, but also contributes in its reversal after the cancer has manifested.

At the Gerson Institute in Tijuana, Mexico, they have helped patients empower their immune systems to reverse cancer (even terminal cancer). Patients receive eight glasses of freshly extracted carrot juice daily and four glasses of green juices along with other healing modalities.

The pectin in carrot juice helps lower serum levels of LDL cholesterol, reducing the need for cholesterol lowering medications.

The juice of carrots is extremely effective in dispelling mucus from the ears, nose and throat, while improving sinusitis, asthma, and allergy problems.

The beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin found in carrot juice are some of the most powerful nutrients for the optic system. In addition to helping to improving eyesight, these nutrients also provide special protection against astigmatism, macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.

After consuming carrot juice on a daily basis since the 1970s, I was able to pass my North Carolina drivers eye test without glasses at the age of 75. This ended a restriction on my driver’s license for corrective lenses after over 50 years.

One of the primary reasons for infertility is a lack of nutrients and enzymes in the diet. Regular use of carrot juice can help provide nutrients that benefit the reproduction system.

In fact, dozens of women who could not conceive prior to adopting The Hallelujah Diet have been able to conceive after changing their diet.

Carrot juice has anti-inflammatory properties that greatly reduce the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism, gout, and other inflammations.

Immune System
Most people who consume the Standard American Diet (SAD) have immune systems that are not sufficiently protective against germs, viruses, and bacteria. Carrot juice is a powerful immune system builder. It helps the body build resistance to germs, viruses, bacteria, and infections.

Nursing Mothers
Carrot juice enhances the quality and quantity of mother’s breast milk, helping the baby to grow strong and resistant to disease.

Skin Problems
The incredibly high quality nutrients in carrot juice nourish the skin. This helps prevent dry skin, psoriasis, and other skin problems. It also helps improve or eliminate these conditions if they already exist.

Water Retention
Carrot juice is a diuretic that helps the body eliminate excess fluids
, reducing water retention, and thus reducing the need for medications. Carrot juice is especially helpful for women during their monthly menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

The above is only a short and partial list of the benefits one can derive from the regular consumption of carrot juice. There are numerous more benefits, but we could go on for days.

Eating Carrots vs. Juicing Carrots

In short, you simply cannot get the same benefits of carrot juice by eating carrots.

According to Dr. Kirschner (M.D.) in his book Live Food Juices, eating a carrot forces your digestive system to separate the carrot fiber from the carrot juice. This uses a lot of energy and destroys over 65% of the nutrients in the process.

Dr. Kirschner goes on to say that juicing carrots before consuming them is a different story. The juicing machine removes the pulp for you, eliminating much of the digestive process. As a result, 92% of the nutrients are available at cellular level for almost immediate use.

It takes approximately one pound of carrots to produce eight ounces of carrot juice. Few people could eat a pound of carrots even if the nutrient intake was the same. Consuming eight ounces of carrot juice is much easier.

It Matters Where Your Carrots Come From

Carrots that contain the highest level of nutrients produce the sweetest juice. That is why we personally use and recommend California-grown carrots. The Hallelujah Acres Store carries the Bunny Luv (Grimmway Farms) brand of organic carrots.

Ancient volcanic activity in the California region accounts for a large amount of trace minerals in the soil. Trace minerals produce a sweeter carrot. For the same reason, California-grown fruits are sweeter, as are fruits grown in Oregon and Washington state.

The Best Juicers For Carrots

I do not recommend a centrifugal juicer for juicing any vegetable. This kind of juicer has a basket that spins at a very fast speed (up to 3,000 RPM) which flings the juice through the air, causing oxidation. Centrifugal juicers are more affordable than other juicers and are better than nothing. However, they are not advisable for a person dealing with a serious illness.

Champion Juicer
This is a workhorse of a juicer that has been around for a very long time. It does an excellent job of juicing carrots but not as good a job juicing leafy greens.

Green Star Juicer
This juicer does an excellent job juicing carrots as well as leafy greens. The brand new Green Star Elite
is an exceptional machine and probably the best juicer on the market today except for the $2,000 Norwalk Press.

Hurom Juicer
This is an excellent juicer for the person who has very little room on their countertop. It has a small footprint in comparison to the juicers mentioned above. It is also easier to use for the person without a lot of arm strength, but not recommended for large amounts of juicing.

Why Factory-made Carrot Juice Is Not Worth Your Money

I believe factory-made carrot juice, commercially available in a can, bottle or other container, is basically worthless. These juices have either been cooked or pasteurized, which destroys the enzymes. They are dead food.

Occasionally you will find health food stores that offer freshly extracted, non-pasteurized carrot juice. This juice will usually keep a day or two in the refrigerator.

How To Store Carrot Juice

All of the living nutrients in freshly extracted carrot juice can be preserved for 24 to 72 hours if certain steps are taken. First, use any of the above juicers, strain, and place in 8 oz canning jars all the way to the top. Cover the jars with a tight fitting lid, locking out as much air as possible. Then place in a refrigerator or ice chest (if traveling).

Start Juicing Today!

Juicing is one of the best ways to nourish your body and to provide it the building materials it needs to build healthy cells and a strong immune system. It is not always convenient and it takes some time — but I guarantee it is well worth it!

Here’s To Your Health

God has given us but one body for this lifetime here on Earth. It behooves each of us to take good care of our body so that we can experience the ultimate health God designed for each one of us. It will ensure a body fit for the Master’s use.


Sunday, May 01, 2011

为什么有的人练功后出现睡不着的现象? (赵金香宗师)
