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Saturday, April 30, 2011



Yale Professor Chan CM, in his lecture at Beida Univ about poisonous eels being sold in China and how widely the local eel farms are using hormones which remain in the human body sometimes for 7-8 yrs.

Prof Chan went on to say that an Environmental Scientist whom he met at Suzhow meeting told him "my relative who owns a bean sprouts farm said that because of the use of hormones, the sprouts normally take 5 days to be ready for sale is now ready in 1 day. Truckloads are sold to Canton and no one in his village will eat the stuff they farmed. "

據媒體報導,耶魯大學經濟學教授陳志武去年在北大演講時,談到毒黃鱔問題 。

陳志武還說,“ 我有一個親戚是賣豆芽的,他對我說:這些豆芽不能吃,用了激素,本來要五天才能長大的豆芽只要一天就長好了。本村人知道這些,都不去買這種豆芽,都是賣給廣州,一卡車一卡車,一夜之間就到了廣州的菜市場。”

Hairy Crabs : Mostly from Jiangsu .. Each year, the crabs became more affordable due to large harvest. They are bred using all kinds of toxins : hormones, antibiotics. From the baby crabs stage, the crabs are fed around 10 types of chemicals. In Fujian , they are worse, they will feed the female crabs with birthcontrol hormones so that the mother crab will be plumb and ready.



該刊記者專程到江蘇蟹場採訪,結果發現,那些大閘蟹都是用激素快速養成的。湖裏的大閘蟹一般至少兩年才能長到二兩以上,但江蘇養殖場的大閘蟹,使用激素之 後,都是一年蟹,當年下苗,當年養成上市。《壹週刊》的記者把從江蘇蟹場買回來的螃蟹送到香港“標準及檢定中心”化驗發現,蟹肉裏不僅有激素,還有多種對 人體有害的抗菌素。

江蘇使用“高科技”養蟹聞名的“大發水產養殖場”徐場長對香港記者說,“ 從蟹苗到上市,至少要十種藥,例如:氯黴素、土黴素、乙醇、痢特靈、諾氟沙星、恩諾沙星、病毒靈、多西黴素、己烯雌酚等等。”他還謙虛地說,他們比較守本 份,福建人更毒,在蟹產卵時喂避孕藥,這樣母蟹不會變瘦,蟹苗更容易長大。說著,這位蟹場負責人撈出兩隻大蟹對記者說:“你看看,多凶,不吃藥哪有這麼 凶!”當記者問這麼做不是害人嗎?這位場長直率地說,“現在的魚類、家禽類, 哪一樣不是藥物長大的!”你不這樣做,別人做,你還能做生意嗎?

24 hours after they are fetched, the crabs arrive HK dinner table, but not before they were fed one last time with antibiotics so that they will stay healthy enroute.

If you walk along the small streets in the Crab Farms, you will see many shops selling "Medicine for Crabs"; there are at least 10 different kinds on their "menu".

香港記者在江蘇蟹場看到,“工人將藥物攙入飼料,站在船上撒飼料,有如天女散花。”江蘇的大閘蟹,多數外銷香港、廣東,而且使用飛機運,當晚撈蟹,次日上 午就運到香港、深圳,下午就上市,晚上香港人就吃到嘴了。那位徐場長透露,為了防止運輸途中大閘蟹死亡,他們在捕蟹前再喂一次抗菌素。而24小時後,那些 抗菌素就經蟹肉到了港人肚子裏。香港記者說,在“大發養殖場”附近路上,隨處可見“蟹藥店”。他們進去一家,賣藥人一下子拿出十多包不同種類的藥物,並告 訴記者用法:土黴素每百斤飼料攙 500顆、痢特靈每百斤飼料攙8兩、乙醇每百斤飼料攙9兩……

Next Magazine Investigative Journalists took 12 Hairy Crabs for lab test. 11 of them have 土黴素. 6 have 氯黴素 All damaging to blood, and esp bad for pregnant women and foetuses.

《壹週刊》記者把從港九、新界、深圳、江蘇四個地方買回的12只大閘蟹,送去化驗,結果發現11個樣本有土黴素,6個樣本有氯黴素。土黴素屬“過時”抗菌 素,因副作用太多,很少使用;而氯黴素屬香港違禁物質,因會壓抑骨髓功能,影響人體產生血球和血小板,導致貧血、抵抗力下降和凝血困難問題。孕婦吃了含有 土黴素的毒蟹,胎兒的骨質會變灰、變脆。


If they tell you their crabs are fed by organically (versus Chemically Fed), that means they are fed by decomposing carcases of dead cats, dogs, chicken. The dogs died from first being poisoned, or from diseases. The owner of the crab farm pulled from under a bed a dead carcass, deskin and dehaired it, waving a piece of the leg proudly pronouncing it as "organic feed" These dogs came from a private vendor that kills the dogs by poisonous gases. The dog died from chemical poisoning.

The investigative journalists from HK witnessed such display of "organic feeding" when the farmer tossed the dog carcass into the pond. They watched 2 crabs feeding on the decaying carcass.

除了使用激素、抗菌素,江蘇的蟹場還使用死貓、死狗、死家禽等餵養大閘蟹。江蘇“新群蟹場” 被稱為“李叔”的負責人的床下就放著兩隻未剝皮的死狗,還有一堆死雞鴨。他說,“一星期放一次,蟹特別喜歡吃爛肉!”香港記者看到蟹塘中浮著一隻剝了皮的 死狗,兩隻大閘蟹爬在狗上進食。水面的狗血紅中帶紫,狗頭呲牙咧嘴,樣子很恐怖。但那位“李叔”卻很輕鬆地從他的床下拖出一隻死狗,剝去皮毛,拎著狗腿對 記者得意地說:“這是天然飼料,我的蟹營養豐富,從小吃肉,不像別人的蟹從小吃藥!”但這些狗都是走私團夥將路上的狗用劇毒氰化鉀毒死後,拿來出售的,本 身就是毒狗。

The Fishery Dept of the govt showed that the most famous YC Lake for Hairy Crabs, at maximum can only produce 13,000 Class 1 Crabs. HK imported 130K crabs all claiming it's from YC Lake.

養蟹的人說,現在大閘蟹飼料有兩種:素和葷。吃素就是喂激素,以及土黴素、氯黴素,金黴素等抗菌素;吃葷就是往蟹塘裏扔死狗、死豬、死雞、死老鼠、死魚、 死蝦,這叫 “天然飼料”。江蘇陽澄湖出產的大閘蟹最出名,但據水產部門統計,陽澄湖的一級大閘蟹,每年只產一萬三千隻。但去年香港人吃了一千三百萬隻螃蟹(平均每人 吃兩隻),可見大部份都是冒牌貨。江蘇淡水研究所工程師唐天德說,現在全中國除西藏外,都說出售正宗陽澄湖大閘蟹,但八成以上是雜種蟹;是毒蟹。

JiangSu natural water engineer Mr Tong, TK said the the whole of China claims that the hairy crabs they sell are from YC Lake. The only exception being those sold in Tibet , a desert :-P

Turtles, Snakes, all fed by chemicals, as well as birth control hormones.

廣東人、香港人還喜歡吃 烏龜,認為大補。但養殖戶用避孕藥替烏龜增肥,本來五、六年才長大的烏龜,現在一兩年就能上市。香港人和廣東人還喜歡吃蛇,但據深圳《晶報》報導,蛇場為了使蛇在短期內份量加重,也喂避孕藥。深圳、香港市面出售的蛇,體形肥肥大大的都是食藥蛇。

據廣州《南方週末》報導,中國每年生產700 噸諾酮類(一種抗菌素),但其中有一半被蟹場、蛇場、烏龜場、黃鱔場等養殖業用掉;再加上其他種類的抗菌素,不知總數有多少噸,最後全部轉到了香港人、廣 東人,以至各地中國人的肚子裏,不知慢性殺死了多少國人。誰知道這薩斯病是不是這些毒藥經毒動物再轉化到人體後產生的呢?專家們不是說這種病毒以前只在動 物體內產生過嗎。

Toxin fed Crabs, snakes, eels, turtles, all fed for revenue, not forgetting fake milk powder, Fish from fish farms, bean sprouts, fake soya sauce, fake seaweeds, fake eggs ........ Color-enriched tomatoes, melon seeds, grapes...... all massive exploits to milk cash. Why is all that happening in China ?

First: Lack of govt control. To be fair, even if the govt wish to do it, they cannot keep up with the sudden market demand as consumers as the surging middle class have a lot more cash nowadays.
2nd : Greed.

3rd and most fundamental reason : This has led to the current problem of the maximization of profit at the cost of morality.

4th: The lack of Family Values (as kids growing up, the only family value bred them is how to make money). The daily mantra is "Study hard to ultimately get rich."

The adults feel that they have to make up for "lost" time when they were deprived under the Totalitarian regime when the govt kept what they harvested. While their bank accounts swell, they are morally bankrupt.

這些毒螃蟹、毒蛇、毒黃鱔、毒烏龜等,只是當今中國摻毒食品的巨大冰山一角。在中國人突然有了發財致富的機會、卻又處於一個無法無天的 道德真空 (既無宗教信仰,傳統倫理也全部淪喪)狀態下,那種不顧一切賺錢的欲念,可以誘發出人性中最冷漠、最惡毒、最瘋狂的部份。像往番茄、葡萄等水果上撒藥、塗 色以增加鮮亮等,都根本不足一提了。在這種情況下,中國的食品檢驗制度又遠遠不完善,同時人為的漏洞比大閘蟹還多。例如香港記者曾在江蘇蟹場問那位徐場 長,“國家有沒有禁止或者化驗標準?”徐場長毫不忌諱地說,“笑話,你不瞭解國情吧!放藥多少上市測試也沒個准,他高興就放行,不高興,再乾淨也沒用!”

當年第一個吃螃蟹的人,被稱為最勇敢的人。但今天,敢吃中國大閘蟹的人,還是世界上最勇敢的人 。


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


讓癌細胞睡著食物. 請大家多吃含有這些有效成份的食物,好身體內蠢蠢欲動的癌细胞更久地睡着。


請大家多吃含有這些有效成份的食物,讓身體內蠢蠢欲動的癌細胞多多睡覺。下午參加了一場小型國際研討會,其中有一位目前在美國癌症中心的戴博士以 "Is Cancer Curable?" (癌症是否能治癒?)為題,分享了他對癌細胞生長動力學的研究結果。

癌症最令人害怕的就是 metastasis(轉移)。


日本曾解剖研究了幾十位無病痛往生的 90-103歲老人,發現他們每一位體內都有不少的癌細胞。



現在醫學界積極的在研究拖延癌細胞「休眠期」的方法,包括利用藥物和飲食。「有效預防細胞癌化」那篇中提到的幾種天然物,可藉由控制癌細胞內訊息傳導 ( signal transduction ) 的路徑進入「休眠期」,所以我把它們再次列,請大家多吃含有這些有效成份的食物,讓身體內蠢蠢欲動的癌細胞多多睡覺。


1.咖哩的重要成份「薑黃」(抗癌成份是 ......「薑黃素」)

2.辣椒(抗癌成份是 .......「辣椒素」)

3.薑 (抗癌成份是 .......「薑油」)

4.綠茶(抗癌成份是 .......「兒茶素」)

5.大豆(抗癌成份是 .......「異黃酮」)

6.蕃茄(抗癌成份是 .......「茄紅素」)

7.葡萄 (抗癌成份是 .......「白黎蘆醇」)

8.大蒜(抗癌成份是 .......「硫化物」)

9.高麗菜(抗癌成份是 .......「indole」)

10.花椰菜(抗癌成份是 .......「硫化物」)

這篇文章傳給大家是淺顯易懂。因為最近醫學發表的長壽藥物包含以下四種 :薑黃素/ 白藜蘆醇/ Silymarin/ 黃耆 (四種成份) ,前面兩樣有出現在文中。
上文所提到的: 珈哩和薑應該歸做一類,因為抗癌主成分都是~薑黃素。



如果你有癌症,最重要的就是要在短期內儘可能攝取到最大量的 B17。

"在七百億美元的化療工業的今天,依靠癌症討生活的人數 比死於癌症的人還多。許多醫生個人對癌症的觀點,與大眾所認知的資訊,有如天壤地別」「如果他們自己得了癌症,他們不會做化療!即使癌細胞對化療有反應, 但是腫瘤局部或完全的縮小,並不會延長病人的存活率。有時候癌症復發反而更加肆虐,因為化療助長抗療癌細胞的生成。"




又工業國家的污染所產生的幾萬種人造、有害的化學物質, 會造成身體的損傷,所損傷的部位創造了修復條件,若此處一直不斷地受到傷害,一直不斷地修補,要是胰腺酵素不足以關掉該項修補,就決定腫瘤產生的部位。這 時飲食中如有足夠的VitB17,它就能提供身體的第二道防線。



克雷布斯Dr. Krebs博士建議成人每日10粒來預防癌症,每日30-50粒為癌症病人的營養補充品。少數癌症病人吃了杏仁會有噁心反應,診療中心建議減少食用量, 讓身體適應後再漸漸增加份量。並非所有的杏仁都有效,必須是帶點苦味,才表示確實含有VitB17,例如中藥中的北杏即含有B17。




小米millet、蕎麥buckwheat、夏威夷豆macadamia nuts、竹筍、綠豆、利馬豆、青豆、某些品種的豌豆等等。








大多數的代謝病主要基於食物中缺乏某種特定的維生素及礦物質。由於飲食中缺乏這種抗癌變的 VitB17,我們的社會每三個家庭就有一個人得癌症。而實際上的發生率可能更高,原因是等到癌症能被測出來,該病人其實罹癌已經很久了;也有很多病人身上早有癌症,但是在它長到被測出來之前,病人死於意外或其他因素。慢性及代謝病,永遠無法從身體之生物經驗以外的藥物來控制、預防或治療。


當我們吃得少,頭腦就會清楚一些;反之,飽食終日後,人 就開始胡思亂想,造成生理、心理及靈性的困擾。野生熊也不得癌症,然而在聖地牙哥動物園內的熊, 每十隻就有七隻得癌症。因為野生熊是雜食動物,牠們吃很多野莓子,而幾乎所有的野生水果都含 B17。我們的食物已經遠離自然了,我們吃的水果是多年的改良品種,已缺乏VitB17 了。

美國防癌協會的 統計資料顯示,癌症為美國人的頭號殺手(也是台灣民眾的第一死因);每三人就有一人會得到癌症;若持續發展下去,到下個世紀,癌症的致病率是100%。


Friday, April 22, 2011

为什么有的人练功后有失眠尿频现象? 失眠尿频更严重应该怎样解决?(赵金香宗师)


Thursday, April 21, 2011

13 Most Powerful Super Foods

By Amy Paturel, MS, MPH

Why Are They So Super?
Ask five nutritionists to rate the 13 most powerful foods and you'll get five different lists, but many of the selections will overlap. Why? Because every food provides something different: Some are a rich source of protein or fiber but void of many vitamins and minerals, while others contain disease-fighting phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, but no protein. The trick, claim experts, is to get a variety of the best foods. The following 13 power foods are a good place to start.


Sure they're high in fat, but avocados contain healthful monounsaturated fat, which has been linked to a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. "Avocados aid in blood and tissue regeneration, stabilize blood sugar, and are excellent for heart disorders," says Ed Bauman, Ph.D., director of Bauman College . They're loaded with fiber (11 to 17 grams per fruit) and are a good source of lutein, an antioxidant linked to eye and skin health.

"An apple a day really does keep the doctor away," says Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S., author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. Apples are loaded with the powerful antioxidants quercetin and catechin, which protect cells from damage - that means a reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, especially if you eat the skin. Research shows that the apple peel contains five times more polyphenols than the flesh. Apples and their skins pack a lot of fiber too (about twice that of other common fruits, including peaches, grapes, and grapefruit), which may help fight the battle of the bulge.

Antiaging superstars, blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, which have been shown to improve vision and brain function. Studies show that eating blueberries slows impairments in motor coordination and memory that accompany aging. These little berries also reduce inflammation, which is inextricably linked with virtually every chronic disease from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, to diabetes and heart disease. Other studies show that blueberries have much greater anticancer activity than other fruits.

In the vegetable world, the Brassica genus reigns supreme, and the cabbage is the most impressive of the lot. Brassica vegetables (including broccoli, bok choy) contain compounds called indoles, which have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer dramatically. "Eating cabbage more than once a week cut men's colon cancer odds by 66 percent," says Bauman. "Cabbage also stimulates the immune system, kills bacteria and viruses, and is a good blood purifier." If you go for the red variety, you'll also get a healthy dose of anthocyanins (the same pigment molecules that make blueberries blue), another powerful antioxidant with an anticancer punch.

Fish and Fish Oil
Eating fish helps cut the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis. The fatty varieties may also help alleviate depression. The American Heart Association recommends that adults eat at least two fish meals per week, especially wild salmon, herring, and sardines, because those varieties provide the most heart-healthy omega 3s. Avoid mercury-containing varieties like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and albacore tuna, says Roberta Anding, M.S., R.D., national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. (Chunk light tuna is okay.)

Research shows that garlic lowers total cholesterol and triglyceride (blood fat) levels, helping prevent clogged arteries. "Two to three cloves a day cut the odds of subsequent heart attacks in half for heart disease patients,"says Bauman. "Garlic also tops the National Cancer Institute's list of potential cancer-preventive foods." Whole baked garlic helps detoxify the body of heavy metals like mercury (from fish) and cadmium. Garlic also acts as an antibacterial and antiviral, boosting resistance to stress-induced colds and infections. Can't stand garlic breath? Chew on a sprig of parsley.

Used for centuries in Eastern medicine, mushrooms have powerful effects on the immune system - especially the maitake, shiitake, and reishi varieties. "Mushrooms such as maitake help prevent and treat cancer, viral diseases, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure," says Bauman. In fact, mushrooms are used as an adjunctive cancer treatment throughout Asia because of their ability to counteract the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation while simultaneously shrinking tumors. What's more, Japanese researchers have found that regularly eating shiitake mushrooms lowers blood cholesterol levels up to 45 percent.

Almonds are loaded with fiber and monounsaturated fat, both of which have been shown to lower cholesterol. According to the Food and Drug Administration, eating 1.5 ounces of most nuts, including almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. And even though almonds are relatively high in fat and calories, studies show that eating almonds can actually help with weight loss (their protein, fiber, and monounsaturated fats provide the feeling of fullness, preventing overeating).

The best protein source on the planet, eggs consistently outrank milk, beef, whey, and soy in the quality of protein they provide. In addition to containing all nine essential amino acids, eggs are loaded with nutrients. "And for God's sake, eat the yolks," says Bowden. People avoid the yolks because they fear cholesterol, but egg yolks contain choline, which helps protect heart and brain function and prevents cholesterol and fat from accumulating in the liver.

Loaded with alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid that helps reduce inflammation, flaxseed has been used for centuries for medicinal and health reasons. Gandhi himself proclaimed, "Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health." Bauman adds, "The seed itself has terrific nutritional value, very usable protein, tremendous fatty acids, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and zinc." Additionally, they're a great source of fiber.

Pomegranates have up to three times the antioxidants of red wine and green tea - and the juice has been shown to reduce artery-clogging plaque, which in turn prevents heart disease and stroke. Research shows that long-term consumption of pomegranate juice may also help slow aging and protect against cancer.

Red Wine
A small amount of any kind of alcohol each day does your heart good by increasing HDL cholesterol and reducing the risk of blood clots. "Red wine also contains powerful antioxidants, reservatrol and saponins, which may provide additional cardiovascular benefits," says Anding. Resist a refill, however: More than one drink daily has been linked to high blood pressure.

Dark Chocolate
When it comes to chocolate, bitter is better - at least in terms of health. The benefits of chocolate come from flavonols and antioxidants (the same disease-fighting chemicals found in cranberries, apples, strawberries, and red wine). The caveat: Only real cacao contains flavonols, so look for chocolate that boasts a high percentage of cacao (60 percent or more). Dark chocolate also has fewer calories than other varieties, and when eaten in moderation, it lowers unhealthy LDL cholesterol and prevents plaque from building up in your arteries.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

练功中受到惊吓怎么办? (赵金香宗师)







Sunday, April 17, 2011































1. 固定時間入眠

2. 佈置睡眠環境
人腦深處隱藏著一種形似豌豆狀的巧妙腺體,稱為「松果體」,它掌管人體的生理時鐘。松果體在維持人類睡眠機能的正常運作中扮演著重要的角色,它會在適當的時候分泌出一種稱為「褪黑激素」 (Melatonin)的神秘賀爾蒙。褪黑激素分泌多的時候,自然我們就會想睡覺;而褪黑激素分泌少的時候,我們自然就會醒過來。松果體被喻為人體的「第三只眼睛」,原因是松果體含了與眼睛相似的色素細胞,對光具有同樣的敏感度,它會根據接收到的光量多少,來決定褪黑激素的分泌量。當我們的眼睛感應不到光線的時候,便會傳達命令到松果體分泌褪黑激素,讓我們進入睡眠。所以如果非要點燈的話,位置最好在低於床的位置以下,避免眼睛接觸到光線。

3. 運用腹式呼吸

4. 睡前2小時不飲食

5. 保持愉快的心情








Friday, April 15, 2011


Read this, it applies to men too with prostate cancer.

Prof Jane Plant


By Prof. Jane Plant, PhD, CBE

I had no alternative but to die or to try to find a cure for myself. I am a scientist - surely there was a rational explanation for this cruel illness that affects one in 12 women in the UK ?

I had suffered the loss of one breast, and undergone radiotherapy I was now receiving painful chemotherapy, and had been seen by some of the country's most eminent specialists. But, deep down, I felt certain I was facing death. I had a loving husband, a beautiful home and two young children to care for. I desperately wanted to live.

Fortunately, this desire drove me to unearth the facts, some of which were known only to a handful of scientists at the time.

Anyone who has come into contact with breast cancer will know that certain risk factors - such as increasing age, early onset of womanhood, late onset of menopause and a family history of breast cancer - are completely out of our control. But there are many risk factors, which we can control easily.

These "controllable" risk factors readily translate into simple changes that we can all make in our day-to-day lives to help prevent or treat breast cancer. My message is that even advanced breast cancer can be overcome because I have done it.

The first clue to understanding what was promoting my breast cancer came when my husband Peter, who was also a scientist, arrived back from working in China while I was being plugged in for a chemotherapy session.

He had brought with him cards and letters, as well as some amazing herbal suppositories, sent by my friends and science colleagues in China.

The suppositories were sent to me as a cure for breast cancer. Despite the awfulness of the situation, we both had a good belly laugh, and I remember saying that this was the treatment for breast cancer in China , then it was little wonder that Chinese women avoided getting the disease.

Those words echoed in my mind. Why didn't Chinese women in China get breast cancer?

I had collaborated once with Chinese colleagues on a study of links between soil chemistry and disease, and I remembered some of the statistics.

The disease was virtually non-existent throughout the whole country. Only one in 10,000 women in China will die from it, compared to that terrible figure of one in 12 in Britain and the even grimmer average of one in 10 across most Western countries.

It is not just a matter of China being a more rural country, with less urban pollution. In highly urbanized Hong Kong , the rate rises to 34 women in every 10,000 but still puts the West to shame.

The Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have similar rates. And remember, both cities were attacked with nuclear weapons, so in addition to the usual pollution-related cancers, one would also expect to find some radiation-related cases, too.

The conclusion we can draw from these statistics strikes you with some force. If a Western woman were to move to industrialized, irradiated Hiroshima , she would slash her risk of contracting breast cancer by half. Obviously this is absurd.

It seemed obvious to me that some lifestyle factor not related to pollution, urbanization or the environment is seriously increasing the Western woman's chance of contracting breast cancer.

I then discovered that whatever causes the huge differences in breast cancer rates between oriental and Western countries, it isn't genetic.

Scientific research showed that when Chinese or Japanese people move to the West, within one or two generations their rates of breast cancer approach those of their host community.

The same thing happens when oriental people adopt a completely Western lifestyle in Hong Kong . In fact, the slang name for breast cancer in China translates as 'Rich Woman's Disease'. This is because, in China, only the better off can afford to eat what is termed ' Hong Kong food'.

The Chinese describe all Western food, including everything from ice cream and chocolate bars to spaghetti and feta cheese, as "Hong Kong food", because of its availability in the former British colony and its scarcity, in the past, in mainland China. So it made perfect sense to me that whatever was causing my breast cancer and the shockingly high incidence in this country generally, it was almost certainly something to do with our better-off, middle-class, Western lifestyle.

There is an important point for men here, too. I have observed in my research that much of the data about prostate cancer leads to similar conclusions.

According to figures from the World Health Organization, the number of men contracting prostate cancer in rural China is negligible, only 0.5 men in every 100,000.

In England, Scotland and Wales , however, this figure is 70 times higher. Like breast cancer, it is a middle-class disease that primarily attacks the wealthier and higher socio-economic groups, those that can afford to eat rich foods.

I remember saying to my husband, "Come on Peter, you have just come back from China . What is it about the Chinese way of life that is so different?"

Why don't they get breast cancer?'

We decided to utilize our joint scientific backgrounds and approach it logically.

We examined scientific data that pointed us in the general direction of fats in diets.

Researchers had discovered in the 1980s that only l4% of calories in the average Chinese diet were from fat, compared to almost 36% in the West.

But the diet I had been living on for years before I contracted breast cancer was very low in fat and high in fiber.

Besides, I knew as a scientist that fat intake in adults has not been shown to increase risk for breast cancer in most investigations that have followed large groups of women for up to a dozen years.

Then one day something rather special happened Peter and I have worked together so closely over the years that I am not sure which one of us first said:
"The Chinese don't eat dairy produce!"

It is hard to explain to a non-scientist the sudden mental and emotional 'buzz' you get when you know you have had an important insight. It's as if you have had a lot of pieces of a jigsaw in your mind, and suddenly, in a few seconds, they all fall into place and the whole picture is clear.

Suddenly I recalled how many Chinese people were physically unable to tolerate milk, how the Chinese people I had worked with had always said that milk was only for babies, and how one of my close friends, who is of Chinese origin, always politely turned down the cheese course at dinner parties

I knew of no Chinese people who lived a traditional Chinese life who ever used cow or other dairy food to feed their babies. The tradition was to use a wet nurse but never, ever, dairy products.

Culturally, the Chinese find our Western preoccupation with milk and milk products very strange. I remember entertaining a large delegation of Chinese scientists shortly after the ending of the Cultural Revolution in the 1980s.

On advice from the Foreign Office, we had asked the caterer to provide a pudding that contained a lot of ice cream After inquiring what the pudding consisted of, all of the Chinese, including their interpreter, politely but firmly refused to eat it, and they could not be persuaded to change their minds.

At the time we were all delighted and ate extra portions!

Milk, I discovered, is one of the most common causes of food allergies .

Over 70% of the world's population are unable to digest the milk sugar, lactose, which has led nutritionists to believe that this is the normal condition for adults, not some sort of deficiency. Perhaps nature is trying to tell us that we are eating the wrong food.

Before I had breast cancer for the first time, I had eaten a lot of dairy produce, such as skimmed milk, low-fat cheese and yogurt I had used it as my main source of protein. I also ate cheap but lean minced beef, which I now realized was probably often ground-up dairy cow.

In order to cope with the chemotherapy I received for my fifth case of cancer, I had been eating organic yogurts as a way of helping my digestive tract to recover and repopulate my gut with 'good' bacteria.

Recently, I discovered that way back in 1989 yogurt had been implicated in ovarian cancer. Dr Daniel Cramer of Harvard University studied hundreds of women with ovarian cancer, and had them record in detail what they normally ate. Wish I'd been made aware of his findings when he had first discovered them.

Following Peter's and my insight into the Chinese diet, I decided to give up not just yogurt but all dairy produce immediately. Cheese, butter, milk and yogurt and anything else that contained dairy produce - it went down the sink or in the rubbish.

It is surprising how many products, including commercial soups, biscuits and cakes, contain some form of dairy produce Even many proprietary brands of margarine marketed as soya, sunflower or olive oil spreads can contain dairy produce.

I therefore became an avid reader of the small print on food labels.

Up to this point, I had been steadfastly measuring the progress of my fifth cancerous lump with callipers and plotting the results. Despite all the encouraging comments and positive feedback from my doctors and nurses, my own precise observations told me the bitter truth.

My first chemotherapy sessions had produced no effect - the lump was still the same size.
Then I eliminated dairy products. Within days, the lump started to shrink

About two weeks after my second chemotherapy session and one week after giving up dairy produce, the lump in my neck started to itch. Then it began to soften and to reduce in size. The line on the graph, which had shown no change, was now pointing downwards as the tumour got smaller and smaller.

And, very significantly, I noted that instead of declining exponentially (a graceful curve) as cancer is meant to do, the tumour's decrease in size was plotted on a straight line heading off the bottom of the graph, indicating a cure, not suppression (or remission) of the tumour.

One Saturday afternoon after about six weeks of excluding all dairy produce from my diet, I practised an hour of meditation then felt for what was left of the lump. I couldn't find it. Yet I was very experienced at detecting cancerous lumps - I had discovered all five cancers on my own. I went downstairs and asked my husband to feel my neck. He could not find any trace of the lump either.

On the following Thursday I was due to be seen by my cancer specialist at Charing Cross Hospital in London . He examined me thoroughly, especially my neck where the tumour had been. He was initially bemused and then delighted as he said, "I cannot find it." None of my doctors, it appeared, had expected someone with my type and stage of cancer (which had clearly spread to the lymph system) to survive, let alone be so hale and hearty.

My specialist was as overjoyed as I was. When I first discussed my ideas with him he was understandably sceptical. But I understand that he now uses maps showing cancer mortality in China in his lectures, and recommends a non-dairy diet to his cancer patients.

I now believe that the link between dairy produce and breast cancer is similar to the link between smoking and lung cancer.

I believe that identifying the link between breast cancer and dairy produce, and then developing a diet specifically targeted at maintaining the health of my breast and hormone system, cured me.

It was difficult for me, as it may be for you, to accept that a substance as 'natural' as milk might have such ominous health implications.

But I am a living proof that it works and, starting from tomorrow, I shall reveal the secrets of my revolutionary action plan.

Extracted from Your Life in Your Hands, by Professor Jane Plan

Google Prof. Jane Plant, PhD, and read all about her.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

容易惊恐的人练功时应注意什么? (赵金香宗师)




Saturday, April 09, 2011

Some Photos of Kepong Station's 2011 Annual Dinner

To view more photos,visit our FACEBOOK.

Thursday, April 07, 2011




豆腐中的鈣與蔥中的草酸,會結合成白色沉澱物 "草酸鈣",同樣造成人體對鈣的吸收困難。





近年來科學家們發現,蘿蔔等十字花科蔬菜進入人體後,經代謝很快就會產生一種抗甲狀腺的物質 "硫氰酸"。該物質產生的多少與攝入量成正比。此時,如果攝入含大量植物色素的水果如橘子、梨、蘋果、葡萄等,這些水果! ! 的類黃酮物質在腸道被細菌分解,轉化成羥苯甲酸及阿魏酸,它們可加強硫氰酸抑制甲狀腺的作用,從而誘發或導致甲狀腺腫。

海 味中的魚、蝦、藻類,含有豐富的蛋白質和鈣等營養物質,如果與含有鞣酸的水果同食,不僅會降低蛋白質的營養價值,且易使海味中的鈣質與鞣酸結合成一種新的 不易消化的物質,這種物質會刺激胃而引起不適,使人出現肚子痛、嘔吐、噁心等症狀。含鞣酸較多的水果有柿子、葡萄、石榴、山楂、青果等。因此這些水果不宜 與海味菜同時食用,以間隔兩個小時為宜。







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